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// Promoting Peace and Non-Violence


// In Togo.

Our goal has always been to proliferate the values of peace and non-violence everywhere we go, particularly among women and young people. This commitment was only reinforced by the events that took place in 2005. That year, Togo was host to presidential elections that resulted in an explosion in violence across the country—particularly so in Atakpamé. Since then, we have not stopped leading public awareness campaigns and classes in non-violence.
In schools, we work in the following particular ways:

  • Creating school clubs to educate children about peace in eight middle schools in Atakpamé

  • Implementing a class that teaches the fundamental principles of peace and non-violence during one hour per week, from 6th grade to the end of high school, at the St. Albert d’Atakpamé secondary school

  • Celebrating important days (World Peace Day, the birthdays of Gandhi, Martin Luther King, etc.)


Three days of educational activities are regularly organized with other NGOs from November 17th-19th on the World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse.


Lastly, we head a public awareness program that teaches about Women’s Rights in several of Atakpamé’s high schools. Because the situation of women in Togo is still very difficult, it is essential to work with young people to help change mentalities and offer young girls more confidence and self-assurance.

Mobile courts organized on the Fizi´s territory, in the east of Congo", by our partner, the NGO UCPDHO, from 26th to 29th september 2011

// In the Congo (D.R.C.).

Due to the constant fighting that has rocked the east of country for years, it seems vital to us that we perform public awareness campaigns to promote peace. This is why we have been active with peace and reconciliation educational programs among the people, local leaders, and authorities. To contribute to better justice, we support mobile courts that allow war criminals to be tried before a judge. 

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