Little Urbain is 3 years old.
An orphan without his father, he still has his mother, whose financial situation is very difficult. Until recently, Urbain had never walked nor spoken.
With the help of the Friendly Haven, today he is cared for by a specialized hospital and his prospects seem optimistic: soon he will be able to walk and talk like the others, and we will register him for school!
We are proud of Koladan, today aged 20 years.
We are very proud of Koladan, now 20 years old. When we started the Friendly Haven, he was one of the first ten children we sponsored. At that time he was 16 years old and was in the second-to-last year of high school; he was a brilliant student who paid his own school fees. Koladan was a child living on the streets, taken in by a generous grandmother who accepted many orphans into her home (see photo). With the help of the Friendly Haven, Kolodan, the grandmother, and all the other orphans she had taken in were assisted. He easily graduated from high school and has left for the capital, Lomé, to register for university.
Today Obidon is 16 years old
Today, Obidon is 16. She was one of the first children we sponsored in 2008. She lost her mother, who died when Obidon was barely 4 months old. She was adopted by her grandmother, because her father had financial problems and could not be there for her.
Today, in spite of these traumatic circumstances which created learning difficulties for her, Obidon receives psychological and educational assistance from the Friendly Haven. Her “sponsor” is a young girl of the same age in France, who never misses a chance to spoil her (see photo).
Urbain is three years old Today Urbain walks
Today Obidon is 16 years old.
A 20 ans, Koladan to register for university. of Lomé.
See the information sheets in a separate document named “fiches de suivi des enfants”